homepage updates
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30.06.2014 03:29 Age: 11 yrs
Category: homepage updates

X Rebirth Community Bugtracker and official Titan Quests bugtracker live

There it is. After some hard work one of the bigger planned updates to the homepage went live.

JIRA, a bug/issue tracking solution, was integrated into the webpage and now serves 3 purposes:
- personal TODO list for my work required on this homepage
- the official Titan Quests bugtracker (replacing the old way to just send me bugs per mail)
- the unofficial Community bugtracker for X Rebirth

I expect that especially the X Rebirth community bug tracker is of interest to most users and I'll write a few words tomorrow on its purpose and what it's meant to be used for.

For the time being however, it's already up and running and just waiting there to be entered all the known issues/bugs.