projects > MaxSVN
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22.04.2018 13:00 Age: 6 yrs
Category: MaxSVN
Category: MaxSVN
MaxSVN Updates
Today we release the outstanding builds for SVN releases which were released meanwhile. The new versions are available for download on the project page:
- 1.7.22-8 !!! KNOWN SECURITY ISSUE !!!
- 1.8.19-1
- 1.8.x-dev-19-r1825568-1
- 1.9.7-1
- 1.9.x-dev-7-r1828380-1
- 1.10.0-rc1-1
- trunk-dev-r1828384-1
Note that SVN 1.10.0-rc2 and 1.10.0 were also already released. Corresponding MaxSVN releases for these versions are expected shortly.
More than 24 man hours were invested into this release (corresponding to an investment of >2,400.- Euro).
Highlights in these versions are:
- updated build tools and dependencies