homepage updates
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07.01.2014 00:24 Age: 11 yrs
Category: homepage updates

Roadmap for the upcoming days.

The following days I plan to bring up a couple of further information on X Rebirth. Here's the current plan:

- complete X Rebirth Beta and Alpha changelogs (Beta 1, Alpha 7.1, Alpha 7.0, Alpha 6.2, Alpha 6.1, Alpha 5.2, Alpha 5.1, Alpha 5, Alpha 4, Alpha 3, Alpha 2, Alpha 1)
- bring the current changelog up-to date (at the time of writing this that would be 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22 RC2)
- split-up the grown changelog into separate pages (one per version)
- depict a couple of the changes done during these versions (including some screenshots from earlier versions of the game)
- add description of the changelog categories and an overview of the terminology used

At that point the X Rebirth changelog section could be seen as completed and will be updated with newly released versions.

Following-up this work, focus will be put on some other part of the webpage and projects.